Name | Shooting | 3FG% | Rebounds | Passing | Defense | Edit |
{{getRatingGrade(player.Shooting)}} | {{getRatingGrade(player.Shooting3)}} | {{getRatingGrade(player.Rebounds)}} | {{getRatingGrade(player.Passing)}} | {{player.Defense}} | Edit |
{{getPlayersCountAtPosition(0)}} PG
{{getPlayersCountAtPosition(1)}} SG
{{getPlayersCountAtPosition(2)}} SF
{{getPlayersCountAtPosition(3)}} PF
{{getPlayersCountAtPosition(4)}} C
How do you want to build this draft class?
Select your draft class file
Support in V2.31. Use a square image. URL must start with https and end with .jpg or .png
This team will use this name when imported
{{selectedTeam}} will actually be called with this name when imported
The team will use this logo code when imported. Please don't use a value missing from the list
Get the hex code here: Color picker
Actual team name: The {{currentTeamData.overrideCityName}}{{selectedTeam}} {{currentTeamData.Name}}
Check to force difficulty to hard
Check to force difficulty to extreme
Check to make the player lose after a season below 0.500 winning percentage
Check to force the player to achieve victory within a set number of seasons
The number of years the player has to win the scenario. Between 1 and 12. Put -1 for no limit.
The number of Cups the player must earn in order to win the scenario. Between 1 and 10.
Check to force the player to play with a specific city
The player will have to coach this particular city's team
Congrats on making this draft class! Now what's next?
There's no official way to test your draft class before validation for now.